4 Major Lessons For Emerging Real Estate Agents

Over a decade in real estate has afforded me my fair share of insights. That time has reinforced my passion for supporting like-minded women in business above all else. I am lucky for the support system fostered by my agency and for the support I’ve found in the professional organizations I’ve joined. Through it all, there are some universal lessons I think could help anyone in the position I started in. Whether you’re just getting started, or a real estate vet, read on and let me know if any of these life lessons resonate with you!

1. Find Women in Business and Like-Minded Colleagues to Lean on

Early on in my career, I joined Women in Financial Services and Women’s Council of Realtors and ended up building incredible connections with other women in the fields. The root of real estate is relationship building — whether it’s with clients or colleagues, you need your fair share of both to go far.   I couldn’t have gotten through my first few years without the support of my community. Having that system in place is key, and they don’t have to be in the same industry as you. Give yourself the gift of guidance and companionship. It’s fortifying to have a circle of trusted friends you can count on.  Resources in Portland and Beyond:  

2. Set a Flexible Schedule

  Be ready and be willing to help your clients during unexpected times of the day. It is important to set boundaries with your work schedule, but an aspect of real estate is last-minute changes. You may have a client who falls in love with a property and wants to jump at the chance to put down an offer. Be prepared and be ready to support your clients when that time comes.  

3. Set a Compass Point

Early on, set goals for yourself. You might not know where to start, but especially in the beginning, set forth with intention. Map out where you’d like to be and backtrack to find what steps you need to get there. This will help motivate you as you check off new milestones.The best resource here is your peers. Reach out – let’s chat about your goals!  

4. Do Your Research Before You Select a Brokerage.

I probably sound like a broken record… But connections are everything!You’ll be spending A LOT of time around whoever is in your brokerage, so pick a reputable one that fits your needs. When you join a brokerage, you’re with a team of other agents. Those agents should be there to help and guide you when needed. Utilize that resource! I personally love working with my brokerage, Living Room Realty, and value the connections I have made during my years with the company. Do your research, ask questions, and don’t be too quick to make your decision. It’s an important one!

Real estate is ever-changing. As long as you dive in with an open mind and connect with your colleagues, you are on the track to success. I hope that these tips help guide you on your journey. Let’s connect on Instagram @marissasainz if we have not already. I’d love to support you in your real estate endeavors.
